
Season Image: 

3rd IAG Qualification Run (10k No. 256)

Another thrilling race in our beloved Park. Many of us are already in good shape and pushed hard and kept the pace high. Congratulations to 9 owners of new PRs !
Pls. note:The timers will usually gladly grant _early starts_ to the ones who feel to run on a very slow pace in order not to having to wait too long until everyone_s seen the chequered flag; but please let_s try to keep it to a minimum .

Dec Time Trial (5k No. 36)

This was a farewell run for Sami who is heading for Africa and who wants to thank everyone, especially those who crossed the finish line together with her (check Rank 28 ;-). We_ll stay in touch and hope that she_s back soon. Good-bye also to John - he will be back in Vienna in 2014.