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5th IAG Qualification Run (10k No. 230)

Some remarkable results again in today's 10k qualification run: Rene's PR brings him to no. 15 in the top 100, Shin is now no. 60; Wilma improved her PR although the train tried to sabotage this, and Shubha improved hers by more than 3 minutes ! Congratulations to all participants, newcomers and backcomers ! Andrea Sch_rk was there to run, but her cute baby-son Lenny protested and made her help with the timing instead.

Dec Time Trial (5k No. 11)

Today's 5k time trial was the farewell run for our friend Gregor who will leave us at the end of this year to run (and live) in Australia for a change. His time in the results below includes running back on the course to shake hands with slower participants. Comeback of the day: Beng joined us again after almost 8 years !